Rojas-Hernández, María del C.
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Publication Deposición de proteína y energía en tilapias (Oreochromis spp.) alimentadas con dietas sub-óptimas en proteína y suplementadas con ácido glutámico, alfacetoglutárico o succínico(2011) Rojas-Hernández, María del C.; Wiscovich-Teruel, Saúl; College of Agricultural Sciences; Ojeda Serrano, Edgardo; Riquelme, Ernesto O.; Latorre, José R.; Department of Animal Science; Vásquez Urbano, PedroFour experimental diets were formulated in order to determine their effect on weight gain, fat, protein and energy retention, and body composition of tilapias (Oreochromis spp.). The control diet was formulated to contain 27 % crude protein and the three remaining diets contained 20 % crude protein and were supplemented with 5 % of either L-glutamic, alphaketoglutaric or succinic acids, respectively. The results show that there were no significant differences in weight gain, protein and fat deposition, retained energy and body composition of the tilapias. Even though there were no significant differences, the group of tilapias that received the diet supplemented with 5 % succinic acid showed values that were closer to those of the control group. The results suggest that a 20 % crude protein diet supplemented with 5 % succinic acid seems like a feasible alternative for feeding tilapias, depending on the commercial cost of the additive.