Itara-Rodríguez, Luis O.

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  • Publication
    Elaboración de una bebida fermentada a partir de un suero ácido y leche
    (2007) Itara-Rodríguez, Luis O.; Ponce de León-González, Leyda; College of Agricultural Sciences; Orellana, Lynette E.; Pérez, Fernando; De Jesús, Maritza; Negrón de Bravo, Edna; Department of Food Science and Technology; Pantoja, José
    One of the great problems confronted by the dairy industry today is the disposition of whey obtained during the cheese elaboration. The acid whey has high content of organic matter (COD) and high biological oxygen demand (BOD); which represents an environmental problem. Agencies that regulate the environment exert strong pressure on the dairy industry to develop new alternatives uses and methods to dispose of the acid whey. The objective of this study was to manufacture a fermented beverage, made with acid whey and milk, and determine if the use of this sub-product can generate the organoleptic characteristics of the fermented product called kefir. Five formulations of the beverage were developed (100% Milk, Control 1, 100% Serum, Control 2, 75% Milk / 25% Serum, 50% Milk / 50% Serum, 25% Milk / 75% Serum) and evaluated by proximal analysis, analysis of volatile organic acids and compounds and sensory analysis. We found the fermented beverage of 75% Milk / 25% Serum to have similar characteristics to kefir. These were: Water (90.4%), Solids (9.6%), Fat (2.54%), Protein (2.20%), pH (4.38), Lactic Acid (0.84%), Ethanol (24.89%), Acetic Acid (0.84%) and 2,3-butanediol (1.10%). A sensorial analysis to some specific beverages was made in where panelists did not found significant differences between the samples they were testing. The acid whey can be used in the manufacture of kefir like a fermented beverage as long as it is in an amount no higher than 25%. This study represents a possible alternative to the problem of the acid whey disposition confronted by the dairy industry.