Movilla Meza, Nathaly A.
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Publication Development of calibration models within a closed feed frame to determine drug concentration using near infrared spectroscopy(2021-12-08) Movilla Meza, Nathaly A.; Romañach, Rodolfo J.; College of Arts and Sciences - Sciences; Méndez Román, Rafael; López Moreno, Martha; Department of Chemistry; Resto Irizarry, PedroThe closed feed frame (without the die disc) was evaluated as an option to reduce the amount of material for the development near-infrared spectroscopic calibration models. Lubricated and unlubricated blends were prepared with concentrations between 4.2 -7.8% w/w of caffeine. All the blends recirculated inside the closed feed frame while NIR spectra were obtained. The physical characterization of the blends was made and it confirmed that the properties of the powder blends were not altered during the recirculation inside the closed feed frame. The calibration models developed using lubricated blends resulted in a good performance predicting three closed feed frame blends and three open feed frame blends. The best calibration model developed with the unlubricated blends presents higher predicted errors compared with the lubricated blends-model. The material required were reduced by 95% without negatively affecting the performance of the calibration model.