Torres Saavedra, Pedro A.

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  • Publication
    Percentile curves in binary longitudinal data
    (2006) Torres Saavedra, Pedro A.; Macchiavelli, Raúl E.; College of Arts and Sciences - Sciences; Lorenzo, Edgardo; Acuña Fernández, Edgar; Department of Mathematics; Fernando Vega, José
    This work presents different alternatives for modeling binary longitudinal data for continuous and categorical outcomes. Using a logistic model with random inter- cept, we propose the Percentile Curves concept, which are conditional probability curves across time representing percentiles of distribution of curves generated by the random intercept. We also analyze the density and cumulative distribution of subject-specific probabilities across time induced by the logistic model with random intercept. We apply this concept to two binary longitudinal data sets (Toenail and Garlic). Also, we expand the percentile curves concept to a logistic model with a random intercept and slope, and we propose a methodology to compute them.