Nieves-Martínez, Humberto L.
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Publication Impacto del internet y las redes sociales en los procesos de reclutamiento aplicados a tiendas de venta al detal ubicadas en centros comerciales del área oeste de Puerto Rico(2014) Nieves-Martínez, Humberto L.; Frontera-Agenjo, José A.; College of Business Administration; González Cebollero, Cándida; Ortiz Rodríguez, Rosario de los A.; Department of Business Administration; Ferrer López, José R.The following research work was performed to demonstrate some of the theoretical and descriptive explanations of the impact that the Internet and the Social Networks have in the processes of personnel recruitment, as applied to retail stores of the principal commercial centers of the Western Area of Puerto Rico. There are very few prior works that provide information as to this matter. The methodology used is based on an exploratory study by means of secondary sources that helped to analyze this practice and a quantitative study of primary sources over a sample of store managers or recruiters in 81 retail stores located on five commercial centers along the Western Puerto Rico area. Among the results from the statistical analysis it was found that, specifically for this geographical area, the Internet and the Social Networks use and influence in the process of personnel recruitment has but barely began to emerge, showing very favorable results for the future. Results analysis provides for the conclusions of this study and helps to delineate recommendations for future investigations.