Ruiz-Medina, Kelvin J.
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Publication Efecto de las variaciones en la radiación fotosintética activa (“PAR”) en el contenido nutricional del mirto, Murraya exotica (Rutaceae), y su habilidad de sustentar a Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae), vector de la enfermedad de enverdecimiento de cítricos(2015) Ruiz-Medina, Kelvin J.; Acosta-Martínez, Jaime A.; College of Arts and Sciences - Sciences; Santos Flores, Carlos; Alfaro, Mónica; Jenkins, David; Department of Biology; Segarra Carmona, Alejandro E.The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemimptera: Liviidae), is an important pest of citrus because it transmits the bacteria (Candidactus Liberibacter spp.) that has been implicated in causing Huanglongbing (HLB), also known as citrus greening disease. This is the most devastating disease of citrus world-wide. Solutions to this disease are desperately needed to maintain the viability of commercial citrus. Proof is accumulating that some environments are not suitable for psyllids. There is anecdotal evidence that citrus trees in shady areas have lower psyllid populations and a lower incidence of the disease. The following study focused on whether the survival of psyllids differed if their host was grown in the sun or in the shade. To see this effect, we exposed the host Murraya exotica to different light and shade regimens and used leaf bioassay to see the survival of the psyllids. The evidence is no longer anecdotal; our results showed that the Asian psyllids survive a longer period of time in leaves exposed to a higher photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). The increase of certain nutrients during the time of exposition to active radiation played an important role in the survival of the psyllids.