Ttito Guzmán, Pedro
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Publication Estudio de los DAC setting para el chip de pixeles del experimento CMS(2007) Ttito Guzmán, Pedro; López Berríos, Ángel M.; College of Arts and Science - Science; Méndez Mella, Héctor; Ramírez, Eduardo; Department of Physics; Bollmanm, DorothyA charged particle passing through the pixel detector of the ‘Compact Muon Solenoid’ (CMS), generated a pulse height that is proportional to the ionized charge collected by the pixel. The pulse height is one of the most important pieces of information used to obtain a good spatial resolution to study the pixel response when a charge is inyected. In particular, we study the effect of some of the ‘DACs’ (Digital to Analog Converter) as a function of the pulse height (PH) by varing the read-out chip parameters. We study the observed dependence and its effect. This chip has 29 internal parameters called DAC. They control the operation properties of the chip and a good adjustment of them implies an optimal functionality of the detector. Several tests under different experimental conditions were carried out. We changed the detector temperature and the DAC values under study, while the polarization voltage remained fixed. This study was conducted using several scripts, which are programs designed to test the detector.