Román Paoli, Elvin
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Publication Performance of Two Citrus Species Grafted to Different Rootstocks in the Presence of Huanglongbing Disease in Puerto Rico(Horticulturae, 2018-11-01) Tirado Corbalá, Rebecca; Rivera Ocasio, Dania; Segarra Carmona, Alejandro E.; Román Paoli, Elvin; González, Agenol; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; College of Agricultural Sciences; Department of Crops and Agro-Environmental SciencesSince Huanglongbing (HLB) disease was detected in 2009 in Puerto Rico, a steady drop in citrus production has been experienced, forcing farmers to abandon their land or switch to other crops. Between 2015 and 2016, we used grafted trees from two experimental orchards (Tahiti lime and Nova mandarin), each on five rootstocks, to collect soil and plant tissue samples from each scion‒rootstock combination to determine soil fertility, tissue nutrient content, and yield. The tree growth parameters (height, diameter, and canopy volume) and efficiency of the two orchards were also measured. These orchards, growing in Coto series (Typic Hapludox), were planted in 2009 and reported as heavily infested with HLB by 2011. Our results showed that soil and tissue samples from the Tahiti lime orchard exhibited benefits for tree growth parameters when grafted on Carrizo and Cleopatra rootstocks. Lower tree mortality (13%) was observed for Tahiti lime grafted on Carrizo, HRS 812, Carrizo and Rough lemon rootstocks, while 25% of the Nova mandarin trees perished on the same rootstocks. Yield was higher for Tahiti lime grafted on Swingle rootstock (35.6 fruit m−3) as compared to the other rootstocks. In general, HLB appears to have caused poor development and low production in the Nova mandarin orchard.Publication Early Response of ‘Mexican’ Lime, ‘Fina’ Clementine Mandarin, and ‘Campbell’ Valencia Orange on Selected Rootstocks Grown under Fertigation Practices in an Oxisol in Puerto Rico(Horticulturae, 2022-06-11) Tirado Corbalá, Rebecca; Román Paoli, Elvin; Segarra Carmona, Alejandro E.; Estévez de Jensen, Consuelo; Rivera Ocasio, Dania; College of Agricultural Sciences; Department of Crops and Agro-Environmental SciencesIn Puerto Rico, Huanglongbing (HLB), detected in 2009, continues to produce losses in orchards across the island. Efforts to produce clean propagation materials and select different combinations of scions and rootstocks to mitigate the disease have been a priority. In 2016, an experiment was established in Isabela in Coto clay series soils at 120 m to assess ‘Mexican’ lime, ‘Fina’ clementine mandarin, and ‘Campbell’ Valencia orange grafted in ‘Swingle’ citrumelo, ‘HRS 812’, and ‘HRS 897’. Tree growth parameters, tree fruit production, HLB incidences, and tree mortality were evaluated under a fertigation system. Higher fruit production was obtained with ‘Fina’ clementine mandarin and ‘Campbell’ Valencia orange when grafted in ‘HRS 812’ followed by ‘HRS 897’. ‘Mexican’ lime had higher fruit production when grafted in ‘HRS 897’. On the basis of total fruit production and HLB incidence, ‘HRS 812’ was outstanding, yielding fruits with higher values even though they were infected with HLB. Moreover, ‘HRS 897’ rootstock was demonstrated to be a potential rootstock for the Puerto Rico conditions.Publication Conjunto tecnológico para la producción de calabaza(2012) Martínez Garrastazú, Sonia L.; Fornaris Rullán, Guillermo J.; Wessel Beaver, Linda; Rivera Martínez, Luis E.; Román Paoli, Elvin; Lugo, María de L.; Armstrong, Arístides; Rosa Márquez, Evelyn; Vicente, Nydia; Irizarry, Melvin; Comas, Myrna; Rojas, Nelson; College of Agricultural Sciences; Agricultural Experimental StationEsta publicación presenta información básica sobre el cultivo de calabaza, así como una serie de prácticas de producción, algunas de las cuales han sido desarrolladas por el programa de investigación de la Estación Experimental Agrícola. Además, se incluyen otras prácticas agrícolas que han sido utilizadas a través de los años por los agricultores en la producción comercial de este cultivo. También incluimos un Presupuesto Modelo, el cual presenta un estimado de los gastos e ingresos por cuerda en una siembra comercial. Este Conjunto Tecnológico es una guía técnica de mucha utilidad para sus usuarios y muy práctica para el agricultor que quiere optimizar su producción. Las prácticas recomendadas promueven la conservación de los recursos naturales con el fin de mantener en armonía el desarrollo agrícola y el medio ambiente.