Rodríguez Molina, Marcos Javier
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Publication Solving linear boundary value problems for linear systems of ordinary differential equations(2019-12-09) Rodríguez Molina, Marcos Javier; Shramchenko, Alexander; College of Arts and Sciences - Art; Yong, Xuerong; Salas Olaguer, Héctor N.; Department of Mathematics; Huerta López, Carlos I.This research studies the behavior of a numerical technique, known as Continuous Orthonormalization (CO), when computing the eigenfunction for the Orr-Sommerfeld equation (OSE). The hydrodynamic stability region of moving fluids, which are constrained to parallel flows, is of relevance and the OSE allows its understanding. CO pursues the generation of an orthogonal vector space constituted by the individual solutions of OSE. By doing this, major numerical errors influencing the computed solution are avoided. Noteworthy is the intrinsic flexibility of CO which allows its use in computing the solution of ordinary linear differential equations of diverse complexity. An important characteristic of CO is the use of numerical strategies of great reliability which are not normally applied to problems.such as OSE.