Dumeng Román, Edgar

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  • Publication
    Estilos de compra de las mujeres de la generación Y
    (2009) Dumeng Román, Edgar; Javier Montalvo, Dafne; College of Business Administration; Acuña Fernández, Edgar; Ruiz Vargas, Yolanda; Department of Business Administration; Cesaní, Viviana
    The purpose of this research was to create a profile of Generation Y Women buying styles. To achieve this goal, the following objectives were set: 1) Describe and create a profile of the students buying styles. 2) Compare their shopping styles with the styles of the participants in the investigation of Bakewell and Mitchell (2003). Two hundred and fifty one students were surveyed using the Consumer Style Inventory questionnaire (CSI) from Sproles and Kendall (1986). The version used in the CSI is divided into five purchase styles named: “recreational quality seekers", “recreational discount seekers", “trend-setting loyal", "shopping and fashion uninterested" and "confused, time/money conserving". The results indicate that the participants in this study are divided into three clusters with three purchases styles compounds called: 1) recreational quality and discount seekers, 2) recreational quality and discount seekers which also demonstrate loyalty to the brands, 3) recreational quality and discount seekers but conservative in spending money. When comparing these buying styles with the styles of the participants in an investigation of Bakewell and Mitchell (2003), it appears that the results obtained in this research are a combination of four of the five styles, identified by them.