Torres Velásquez, Brenda C.

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Publication Search Results

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  • Publication
    La transmisión de la epidemia de VIH/SIDA en Puerto Rico: Modelos de regresión.
    (2009) Torres Velásquez, Brenda C.; Quintana Díaz, Julio C.; College of Arts and Sciences - Sciences; Saito, Tokuji; Gordillo, Luis; Department of Mathematics; Torres, Zaida
    This research considered statistical modeling to forecast the number of deaths by AIDS in Puerto Rico using as predictors variables the number of diagnosed cases classified by transmission modes. For this study data was obtained through the Surveillance Program of the Health Department of Puerto Rico. To develop the model we implemented a regression analysis and several variables selection techniques which helped to select the best predictors among the transmission modes of deaths by AIDS.The analysis of independence helped to determine the level of association between the more important predictors. According to these results the main modes of transmission modes are intravenous drugs use and by sexual contact. Finally will present the best regression model to predict the total number of AIDS deaths by transmission mode and the best regression model to predict the total number of AIDS deaths by transmission mode by gender. Furthermore, we present the correlation analysis between the variables.
  • Publication
    La trasmisión de la epidemia de VIH/SIDA en Puerto Rico: modelos de regresión
    (2009-05) Torres Velásquez, Brenda C.; Quintana Díaz, Julio C.; College of Arts and Sciences - Sciences; Tokuji, Saito; Gordillo, Luis; Department of Mathematics; Torres, Zaida
    This research considered statistical modeling to forecast the number of deaths by AIDS in Puerto Rico using as predictors variables the number of diagnosed cases classified by transmission modes. For this study data was obtained through the Surveillance Program of the Health Department of Puerto Rico. To develop the model we implemented a regression analysis and several variables selection techniques which helped to select the best predictors among the transmission modes of deaths by AIDS.The analysis of independence helped to determine the level of association between the more important predictors. According to these results the main modes of transmission modes are intravenous drugs use and by sexual contact. Finally will present the best regression model to predict the total number of AIDS deaths by transmission mode and the best regression model to predict the total number of AIDS deaths by transmission mode by gender. Furthermore, we present the correlation analysis between the variables.