Ramirez, Michael L.

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  • Publication
    Thermal characterization of acetone peroxide mixtures with high energetic materials and raman based detection of concealed chemical threats
    (2009) Ramirez, Michael L.; Hernández Rivera, Samuel P.; College of Arts and Sciences - Sciences; Mina, Nairmen; Briano, Julio; Castro, Miguel; Hernández, Arturo; Department of Chemistry; Acevedo, Aldo
    This study was aimed at making contributions toward the understanding and detection of homemade explosives (HME). The properties and interactions between components in a blend of energetic materials with acetone peroxide, powerful and unstable homemade explosives, were studied by thermal analysis, spectroscopic tools and by the use of computational methods. First, the thermal stability of triacetone triperoxide (AP), a HME, was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The enthalpy of sublimation and the activation energy for decomposition were obtained by kinetics analysis and modeling. The results were compared to other known energetic materials. The relationship between structure and thermal behavior was also studied. Then, AP was combined with other energetic materials. The spectroscopic signatures of these systems and the thermal decomposition curves of such blends were reported. Computational analysis was used to estimate interaction energies for possible conformations. Also, as part of the contributed work, Raman spectroscopy was evaluated as a detection tool for concealed hazardous materials. Liquid explosives, chemical warfare agent stimulants and toxic industrial compounds were analyzed by fiber optic coupled and standoff detection Raman systems. The liquids were concealed within consumer products such as beverages and personal care products.