Supplementation with fermentation products of Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger with digestive enzymes in dairy calves.
Suplementación con productos de fermentación de Aspergillus oryzae y Aspergillus niger con enzimas digestivas en becerras lecheras.
El efecto de suplementar a becerras Holstein y Jerseys con productos de la fermentación de Aspergillus oryzae y A. niger más enzimas digestivas (α amilasa, pectinasa, endoglucansa, β glucanasa, xilanasa y manasa) sobre el aumento de peso, altura a la cruz y estado de salud fue evaluado. Se utilizaron en esta investigación veinte becerras (11 Holstein; 9 Jerseys) albergadas individualmente. El periodo experimental duró 49 días. A todas las becerras se les ofreció alimento iniciador el cual contenía 18% PC, 2.5% grasa, 8% FC, 14% ADF; 1.5 Ca; 0.5 P; 0.20 ppm Se; 2,273 lU/kg vitamina A y 66g/Tm Lasalocid. El grupo que recibió tratamiento (5 Holstein y 4 Jersey) se le añadió 2g de un producto comercial que contenía una mezcla de los productos de fermentación de A. oryzae y A. niger y enzimas digestivas. Se tomaron los pesos semanalmente utilizando la cinta de pesar “Weight by Breed Dairy Cow” de la marca Nasco©. No hubo interacción del tratamiento por raza por periodo (P=0.9636). No hubo efecto del tratamiento sobre la ganancia de peso durante el periodo (P≥0.7215). Como era de esperarse las becerras Holstein (70.1 kg) eran más pesadas que las Jersey (64.5 kg) (P=0.0284) y ambas razas ganaron peso durante el experimento (P< 0.0001). La altura a la cruz se documentó semanalmente con una regla de medición de ganado vacuno (Nasco ©) desde el suelo hasta la cadera y cruz del animal. El tratamiento no afectó la altura de la cadera (P = 0.7971) ni la altura a la cruz (P = 0.4248). Para altura de cadera, las becerras Holstein del grupo tratado (HT) median 80.8 cm. ± 2.31y 80.5 cm. ± 3.25 del grupo control (HC). Becerras Jersey del grupo tratado (JT) acabaron con altura de 85 cm. ± 1.98 y el grupo control (JC) con 82.1 cm. ± 2.17.
Para altura de la cruz, HT midió 75.3 ± 2.62 vs. HC 80.5 ± 3.25. Al finalizar el experimento JT midió 79.9 ± 1.23 vs. JC 76.7 ± 2.59. El estado de salud no se benefició de la suplementación con A. oryzae y A. niger en combinación con enzimas digestivas (P = 0.1444). Nuestra data sugiere que el suplementar con los productos fermentados de A. oryzae y A. niger y enzimas digestivas no aumenta el crecimiento ni mejora la salud de las becerras Holstein y Jersey alimentadas con leche de descarte bajo condiciones tropicales.
Palabras clave: prebióticos, enzimas digestivas, becerras lecheras, leche de descarte
Supplementation with fermentation products of Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger with digestive enzymes in dairy calves. Abstract The effect of a supplementation with Aspergillus oryzae and A. niger fermentation products and digestive enzymes ( amylase, pectinase, endoglucanase, glucanase, xylanase, and mannase) on weight gain growth, and health of Holstein and Jersey calves was evaluated. Individually housed Holstein (n=11) and Jersey (n=9) calves were used in the study. The experimental period lasted 49 days. All calves were fed 2 L of milk at 0600 and 2 L of milk at 1800. All calves were fed ad libitum a calf starter that contained 18% CP; 2.5% fat; 8% CF; 14% ADF; 1.5% Ca; 0.5% P; 0.20 ppm Se; 2,273 IU/kg vitamin A; and 66 g/Tm of Lasalocid. Treated animals (5 Holsteins and 4 Jerseys) were fed 2g of commercial mixture of A. oryzae and A. niger fermentation products and digestive enzymes. Using a Nasco© Weight by Breed Dairy Cow measuring tape calves’ weights were recorded weekly. There was no interaction of treatment by breed by period (P=0.9636). Treatment did not affect weight gain across periods (P≥0.7215). As expected, Holsteins (70.1 kg) were heavier than Jerseys (64.5 kg; P=0.0284) and weight increased over time in both breeds (P<0.0001). Height change was recorded weekly. Skeletal growth was measured with Nasco© Measuring Stick for Beef or Dairy Cattle, from the floor to the animal’s hip and withers. Treatment did not affect hip height (P=0.7971) or withers height (P=0.4248). Holsteins hip height from treatment group (HT) was 80.8 cm ± 2.31 at 49 days and 80.5 cm ± 3.25 from the control group (HC). Jersey treatment group (JT) ended with 85 cm ± 1.98 hip height whereas the control group (JC) with 82.1 ± 2.17. On withers height, HT measured 75.3 ± 2.62 vs. HC 80.5 ± 3.25. JT at the end of the experiment measured 79.9 ± 1.23 vs. JC 76.7 ± 2.59. Health status did not benefit from the supplementation of A. oryzae and A. niger in combination with enzymes (P=0.1444). Our data suggest that a supplementation with A. oryzae and A. niger fermentation products and digestive enzymes did not increase weight gain, growth or health in Holstein and Jersey calves fed waste milk under typical calf raising conditions in Puerto Rico. Keywords: prebiotics, digestive enzymes, dairy calves, waste milk
Supplementation with fermentation products of Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger with digestive enzymes in dairy calves. Abstract The effect of a supplementation with Aspergillus oryzae and A. niger fermentation products and digestive enzymes ( amylase, pectinase, endoglucanase, glucanase, xylanase, and mannase) on weight gain growth, and health of Holstein and Jersey calves was evaluated. Individually housed Holstein (n=11) and Jersey (n=9) calves were used in the study. The experimental period lasted 49 days. All calves were fed 2 L of milk at 0600 and 2 L of milk at 1800. All calves were fed ad libitum a calf starter that contained 18% CP; 2.5% fat; 8% CF; 14% ADF; 1.5% Ca; 0.5% P; 0.20 ppm Se; 2,273 IU/kg vitamin A; and 66 g/Tm of Lasalocid. Treated animals (5 Holsteins and 4 Jerseys) were fed 2g of commercial mixture of A. oryzae and A. niger fermentation products and digestive enzymes. Using a Nasco© Weight by Breed Dairy Cow measuring tape calves’ weights were recorded weekly. There was no interaction of treatment by breed by period (P=0.9636). Treatment did not affect weight gain across periods (P≥0.7215). As expected, Holsteins (70.1 kg) were heavier than Jerseys (64.5 kg; P=0.0284) and weight increased over time in both breeds (P<0.0001). Height change was recorded weekly. Skeletal growth was measured with Nasco© Measuring Stick for Beef or Dairy Cattle, from the floor to the animal’s hip and withers. Treatment did not affect hip height (P=0.7971) or withers height (P=0.4248). Holsteins hip height from treatment group (HT) was 80.8 cm ± 2.31 at 49 days and 80.5 cm ± 3.25 from the control group (HC). Jersey treatment group (JT) ended with 85 cm ± 1.98 hip height whereas the control group (JC) with 82.1 ± 2.17. On withers height, HT measured 75.3 ± 2.62 vs. HC 80.5 ± 3.25. JT at the end of the experiment measured 79.9 ± 1.23 vs. JC 76.7 ± 2.59. Health status did not benefit from the supplementation of A. oryzae and A. niger in combination with enzymes (P=0.1444). Our data suggest that a supplementation with A. oryzae and A. niger fermentation products and digestive enzymes did not increase weight gain, growth or health in Holstein and Jersey calves fed waste milk under typical calf raising conditions in Puerto Rico. Keywords: prebiotics, digestive enzymes, dairy calves, waste milk
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Prebiotics, Dairy calves