Índices de calidad de suelos de las series Yauco y San Antón: Dos molisoles del sur de Puerto Rico
Seis índices de calidad de suelos fueron utilizados para evaluar la calidad de los suelos Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) y San Antón (Cumulic Haplustolls), bajo labranza convencional y sin labranza. Estos fueron el índice aditivo (SQIA), los índices por peso (SQIW1 y SQIW2) y los índices por componente principal (SQIPC1, SQIPC2 y SQIPC3). Los predios cultivados se araron cada dos meses, y a los no cultivados solo se les pasó una taladora. Se realizaron dos muestreos de suelos a las profundidades de 0 a 8 y 8 a 20 cm. El análisis de la arcilla por espectroscopía de infrarojo (FTIR) y difractogramas de rayos X (XRD) indicó la presencia de montmorilonita, vermiculita, ilita, caolinita, haloisita, cuarzo, calcita en ambos Molisoles. Los índices de calidad de suelos SQIA y SQIPC1 le atribuyeron al suelo San Antón valores mas altos de calidad. Estos índices consideran todos los parámetros evaluados, y se enfocan en la disponibilidad de nutrimentos, pH, % MO, P disponible y micronutrimentos Cu, Fe, Mn y Zn. El SQIW y SQIw2 mostraron valores más altos de calidad para el suelo Yauco. Estos índices dan más peso a parámetros físicos como densidad aparente (Da), estabilidad de agregados (EA) y resistencia a penetración (RP). También los índices SQIPC2 y SQIPC3 que dan más peso a CICE, % MO, actividad de DHA y respiración basal (RB) le adjudicaron mejores índices de calidad al suelo Yauco. Los seis índices evaluados demostraron una reducción en la calidad de suelo al aumentar la profundidad a 20 cm, pero no mostraron diferencia significativa entre predios cultivados y no cultivados.
Six soil quality indexes were used to evaluate soil quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San Antón (Cumulic Haplustolls) soils, under conventional tillage and non-tillage. The six indexes were the additive index SQIA, the weight indexes SQIW1 and SQIW2, and the principal components indexes SQIPC1, SQIPC2 and SQIPC3. The tillage plots were plowed every two months and for the no tillage plots the cover crops were cut and left on the ground without further treatment. Two soil samplings were performed at depths of 0 - 8 and 8 - 20 cm. FTIR and XRD analyses of the clay fraction indicated the presence of montmorillonite, vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, halloysite, quartz, calcite in both Mollisols. The soil quality indexes SQIA and SQIPC1 attributed better soil quality values to San Anton soil. These indexes give more weight to nutrient availability, pH, % OM, available P and Cu, Fe, Mn y Zn content. The SQIW1 and SQIw2 assigned better soil quality values to Yauco soil. These indexes give more weight to physical parameters like bulk density (BD), aggregate stability (AE) and resistance to penetration (RP). The other two indexes SQIPC2 y SQIPC3, that give more weight to ECEC, % OM, DHA activity and basal respiration (BR) atributed better soil quality indexes to Yauco soil. The six indexes indicated a reduction in soil quality with an increase in soil depth to 20 cm, but no significant differences were observed between tillage and no tillage treatments.
Six soil quality indexes were used to evaluate soil quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San Antón (Cumulic Haplustolls) soils, under conventional tillage and non-tillage. The six indexes were the additive index SQIA, the weight indexes SQIW1 and SQIW2, and the principal components indexes SQIPC1, SQIPC2 and SQIPC3. The tillage plots were plowed every two months and for the no tillage plots the cover crops were cut and left on the ground without further treatment. Two soil samplings were performed at depths of 0 - 8 and 8 - 20 cm. FTIR and XRD analyses of the clay fraction indicated the presence of montmorillonite, vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, halloysite, quartz, calcite in both Mollisols. The soil quality indexes SQIA and SQIPC1 attributed better soil quality values to San Anton soil. These indexes give more weight to nutrient availability, pH, % OM, available P and Cu, Fe, Mn y Zn content. The SQIW1 and SQIw2 assigned better soil quality values to Yauco soil. These indexes give more weight to physical parameters like bulk density (BD), aggregate stability (AE) and resistance to penetration (RP). The other two indexes SQIPC2 y SQIPC3, that give more weight to ECEC, % OM, DHA activity and basal respiration (BR) atributed better soil quality indexes to Yauco soil. The six indexes indicated a reduction in soil quality with an increase in soil depth to 20 cm, but no significant differences were observed between tillage and no tillage treatments.
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Calidad de Suelo, Molisoles, índice de calidad, Labranza