BionomÃa de la mosca soldado negra (Hermetia illucens (L.)) e insectos sinantrópicos en granjas de gallinas ponedoras en Puerto Rico
Orengo Green, José
Orengo Green, José
La producción avÃcola es un sector de gran importancia a nivel mundial, siendo considerado el segundo de mayor importancia agrÃcola en Puerto Rico con un ingreso bruto de $13.7 millones durante el 2011. Las complejas polÃticas ambientales que rodean el manejo del excremento y los altos costos en las proteÃnas utilizadas en las dietas, han hecho que se busquen diferentes maneras para disminuir esos costos. Durante la ultima d. cada, los cientÃficos han atra.do su atención a la utilización de insectos, siendo la mosca soldado negra (MSN) uno de los más utilizados. La mosca soldado negra (BSF, por sus siglas en inglés), Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), es un descomponedor común de materia org.nica, particularmente clave en estiércol animal, incluido el de las aves de corral. Adem.s de sus efectos beneficiosos en el manejo de estiércol, muchos productores avÃcolas están utilizando estos insectos como fuentes de proteÃnas de alto valor para sus parvadas. Un tema importante en la gestión de la mosca soldado negra en producciones comerciales de aves de corral es la capacidad de monitorear y predecir las fluctuaciones de la población a través de cambios estacionales. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar el ecosistema relacionado con la mosca soldado negra e identificar algunos de los factores que influencian su dinámica poblacional. Durante esta investigación se identificaron los insectos: Hermetia illucens, Musca domestica, Drosophila sp, los parasitoides Bachymeria incerta, un Braconido Alysiinae y un sÃfridos. El insecto con mayor presencia fue la Hermetia illucens, mientras que los sÃfridos fueron los menos abundantes. Se determinó que la localización de preferencia de Hermetia illucens es el interior de los montÃculos, siendo el nivel inferior interior el que presentó mayores números.
The poultry industry is an important economic activity worldwide. Poultry production is the second most important agriculture sector in Puerto Rico, with a gross income of $13.7 million during 2011. Complex environmental policies surrounding the management of poultry manure, and the high cost of feed ingredients have promoted the search for strategies to overcome these challenges. During the last decades scientist have drawn their attention to the use of insects, being the black soldier fly (BSF) one of the most valuable. The black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), is a common scavenger of organic matter, and a key decomposer of animal manure. In addition to its beneficial effects in reducing the environmental impacts of manure, many poultry producers are using these insects as a source of high-value protein for their flocks. An important issue in managing BSF in commercial poultry productions is the ability to monitor and predict population fluctuations through seasonal changes. This research aimed to study the ecosystem related to the black soldier fly. The insects identified were: Hermetia illucens, Musca domestica, Drosophila sp, Bachymeria incerta, Alysiinae sp and syrphid. The insect with greater presence was the Hermetia illucens, and the smallest presence being the syrphid. It was concluded that the location of preference for Hermetia illucens was the interior of the mounds, being the inner inferior the one with greater number of individuals.
The poultry industry is an important economic activity worldwide. Poultry production is the second most important agriculture sector in Puerto Rico, with a gross income of $13.7 million during 2011. Complex environmental policies surrounding the management of poultry manure, and the high cost of feed ingredients have promoted the search for strategies to overcome these challenges. During the last decades scientist have drawn their attention to the use of insects, being the black soldier fly (BSF) one of the most valuable. The black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), is a common scavenger of organic matter, and a key decomposer of animal manure. In addition to its beneficial effects in reducing the environmental impacts of manure, many poultry producers are using these insects as a source of high-value protein for their flocks. An important issue in managing BSF in commercial poultry productions is the ability to monitor and predict population fluctuations through seasonal changes. This research aimed to study the ecosystem related to the black soldier fly. The insects identified were: Hermetia illucens, Musca domestica, Drosophila sp, Bachymeria incerta, Alysiinae sp and syrphid. The insect with greater presence was the Hermetia illucens, and the smallest presence being the syrphid. It was concluded that the location of preference for Hermetia illucens was the interior of the mounds, being the inner inferior the one with greater number of individuals.
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Hermetia illucens, Polleras, Gallinaza, Musca domestica