Parámetros del sueño en atletas universitarios
Díaz-Vera, Luis A.
Díaz-Vera, Luis A.
El sueño es un comportamiento básico y necesario pero diferente entre los seres humanos. Todavía no se ha esclarecido totalmente que lo guía y para que específicamente sirve en nuestro cuerpo. Afirmativamente organizaciones e investigadores científicos y deportivos concuerdan con relación al sueño es que el mismo envuelve recuperación física y mental. Para esto, debe cumplirse una recomendación mínima de horas dormidas ininterrumpidas para evitar exhibir disminución en rendimiento físico y cognitivo. El propósito del estudio fue conocer los parámetros y calidad general del sueño de los atletas de la Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto en Mayagüez (UPRM) compitiendo en el segundo semestre. El método para recopilar datos de los parámetros del sueño fue administrando la versión validada en español del cuestionario del Índice de calidad de sueño de Pittsburgh (PSQI). Las preguntas de investigación fueron: 1) ¿Cuáles son los parámetros de sueño de los atletas de la UPRM activos en el segundo semestre de la LAI? ¿Se presenta insuficiencia del sueño en los atletas de la UPRM?; 2) ¿Cuáles son las diferencias en los parámetros del sueño entre los atletas de deportes individuales y colectivos de la UPRM activos en el segundo semestre de la LAI?; 3) ¿Cuáles son las diferencias en los parámetros del sueño entre los atletas masculinos y femeninos de la UPRM activos en el segundo semestre de la LAI? Se encontró que ni los deportes ni los géneros cumplen con siete o más horas de sueño. El resultado global fue de 6.41 ± 1.33 horas. Se encontró también, que la calidad de sueño es pobre para todos los deportes, ambos géneros y globalmente (PSQI = 7.40 ± 2.58). Los hallazgos sugieren que el sueño en estos atletas está siendo afectado lo que puede estar interfiriendo con su recuperación.
Sleep is a basic necessity for humans. However, it has not yet been fully shown how it is guided. Neither has been shown how it serves the human body. Scientific researchers and sports organizations had agreed on this topic that it involves physical and mental recovery. So, for recovery to occur, a minimum of uninterrupted sleep duration must be met to avoid exhibiting a decrease in physical and cognitive performance. The purpose of this study was to find out the parameters and general quality of the sleep of the athletes of the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus (UPRM) competing during the second semester. The data collection method used for the sleep parameters was by administering the Spanish-validated version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire. The research questions were: 1) What are the sleep parameters of the UPRM athletes active during the second semester of the LAI? Is sleep insufficiency present in UPRM athletes?; 2) What are the differences on sleep parameters between single and team sports athletes of the UPRM active during the second semester of the LAI?; 3)What are the differences on sleep parameters between male and female athletes of the UPRM active during the second semester of the LAI? It was found that none of the sports and genders meet seven or more hours of sleep. The overall result was 6.41 ± 1.33 hours. It was also found that sleep quality was poor for all sports. It was also poor for both genders and overall (PSQI = 7.40 ± 2.58). Findings suggest that the sleep of the university athletes is being affected and could be interfering with their recovery.
Sleep is a basic necessity for humans. However, it has not yet been fully shown how it is guided. Neither has been shown how it serves the human body. Scientific researchers and sports organizations had agreed on this topic that it involves physical and mental recovery. So, for recovery to occur, a minimum of uninterrupted sleep duration must be met to avoid exhibiting a decrease in physical and cognitive performance. The purpose of this study was to find out the parameters and general quality of the sleep of the athletes of the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus (UPRM) competing during the second semester. The data collection method used for the sleep parameters was by administering the Spanish-validated version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire. The research questions were: 1) What are the sleep parameters of the UPRM athletes active during the second semester of the LAI? Is sleep insufficiency present in UPRM athletes?; 2) What are the differences on sleep parameters between single and team sports athletes of the UPRM active during the second semester of the LAI?; 3)What are the differences on sleep parameters between male and female athletes of the UPRM active during the second semester of the LAI? It was found that none of the sports and genders meet seven or more hours of sleep. The overall result was 6.41 ± 1.33 hours. It was also found that sleep quality was poor for all sports. It was also poor for both genders and overall (PSQI = 7.40 ± 2.58). Findings suggest that the sleep of the university athletes is being affected and could be interfering with their recovery.
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Atletas, Parámetros del sueño, PSQI