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Genetic algorithm approach for reorder cycle time determination in multi-stage systems

The objective of this research is to provide a genetic algorithm to determine the reorder cycle time for multi-stage serial and assembly systems. Demand for end item is assumed to occur at a constant and continuous rate. Production is instantaneous and no backorders are allowed. Both setup and echelon holding costs are charged at each stage. The attention is on nested and stationary policies. Furthermore, the reorder interval for each echelon is restricted to be not only integer, but also a power of two times a base planning period. The performance of the genetic algorithm is evaluated in comparison with an optimal approach proposed by Maxwell and Muckstadt (1985), obtaining solutions from zero to five percent from the optimum for small problems. Experimentation is conducted to determine the genetic algorithm parameters and in addition to evaluate the robustness of the proposed methodology.
El objetivo de esta investigaciĆ³n es proveer un algoritmo que calcule el tiempo de reordenar productos en un sistema de mĆŗltiples etapas con estructura serial y de ensamblaje. La demanda del producto final es constante y continua. La producciĆ³n es instantĆ”nea y no se permiten Ć³rdenes atrasadas. Los costos de ordenar y de mantener en inventario se cargan a cada etapa. El enfoque es en polĆ­ticas jerĆ”rquicas y estĆ”ticas. AdemĆ”s, el tiempo de reordenar tiene la restricciĆ³n de ser entero y la potencia de dos de un periodo base de planificaciĆ³n. El algoritmo genĆ©tico es evaluado en comparaciĆ³n con la soluciĆ³n Ć³ptima desarrollada por Maxwell y Muckstadt (1985), obteniendo soluciones de cero a cinco por ciento por encima de la soluciĆ³n Ć³ptima para problemas pequeƱos. Se realizaron experimentos para determinar los valores Ć³ptimos de los parĆ”metros del algoritmo genĆ©tico y en adiciĆ³n para evaluar cuan robusta es la metodologĆ­a propuesta.
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Research Projects
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Genetic algorithm, Reorder cycle time for multi-stage serial, Assembly systems
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