Estrategias de control óptimas en la propagación de enfermedades en poblaciones acopladas
Alpízar Brenes, Geisel Y.
Alpízar Brenes, Geisel Y.
En varias investigaciones se ha estudiado la aplicación de diversas estrategias de control en la propagación de enfermedades en una población dada. Ahora bien, tarea difícil es encontrar la combinación de estrategias que minimicen los costos conjuntos del impacto de la enfermedad y la aplicación de las medidas para lograr el control de la propagación en poblaciones acopladas. En la mayoría de ocasiones, la realidad exige una respuesta casi inmediata por parte de los organismos o instituciones encargadas de la salud pública. En estos casos es donde se hace necesario el uso de herramientas que generen en forma rápida pero eficientes resultados aproximados, que proporcionen información de las medidas que se deben tomar para evitar la propagación masiva de la enfermedad. El objetivo de este proyecto es sugerir a través de casos específicos, como una técnica de optimización estocástica como el Simulated Annealing puede ser utilizada para dar respuesta rápida a la búsqueda de estrategias de control, con el fin de evitar la propagación masiva de una enfermedad en poblaciones acopladas.
In several investigations there have studied the application of diverse control strategies in a disease spread in a given population. Now, it is a difficult task to find the combination of strategies that minimize the joint costs of the impact of the disease and the application of strategies to achieve the control of the spread of the disease in coupled populations. In most of the cases, reality demands an almost inmediate response from the organisms or the institutions in charge of the public health, hence, becomes important the use of tools that quickly approximates efficientes results that provides information of measures that can be taken to avoid the spread of disease. The objetive of this project is to suggest, throught specific cases, that stochastic optimization techniques as Simulated Annealing may be use to given a quickly respond to the search of control strategies to avoid a disease outbreak in coupled populations.
In several investigations there have studied the application of diverse control strategies in a disease spread in a given population. Now, it is a difficult task to find the combination of strategies that minimize the joint costs of the impact of the disease and the application of strategies to achieve the control of the spread of the disease in coupled populations. In most of the cases, reality demands an almost inmediate response from the organisms or the institutions in charge of the public health, hence, becomes important the use of tools that quickly approximates efficientes results that provides information of measures that can be taken to avoid the spread of disease. The objetive of this project is to suggest, throught specific cases, that stochastic optimization techniques as Simulated Annealing may be use to given a quickly respond to the search of control strategies to avoid a disease outbreak in coupled populations.
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Stochastic optimization technique, Simulated Annealing, Diseases