Paralelización de la operación correlación cruzada aplicado a marcas de agua en imágenes digitales
El uso de marcas de agua permite proteger elementos multimedia frente a manipulaciones ilegales que infrinjan derechos de autor. Marcas de agua construidas a partir de matrices con buenos valores de correlación y autocorrelación cruzada son introducidas en imágenes digitales de forma invisible y segura para ser detectadas por su propietario. Debido al costo a que la detección conlleva y la necesidad de realizarlo de forma reiterada, en este trabajo se propone el desarrollo de implementaciones paralelas basadas en OpenMP, MPI y un híbrido de ´estos con el propósito de disminuir los costos. Entre los resultados destacados están que con MPI usando un solo nodo de cómputo corre más rápido para ciertos tamaños de marcas de agua menores que las dimensiones de la imagen y las disminuciones notable en los tiempos de cómputo de la versión híbrida usando varios nodos de cómputo frente a las demás versiones paralelas.
Watermarks allow one to protect multimedia elements against illegal manipulations that infringe on copyrights. Watermarks based on matrices with good auto and cross-correlation are introduced into a digital image in an invisible and safe way to be detected by its owner. Because of the cost of the detection of watermarks and the need to perform detection repeatedly, this work proposes the development of parallel implementations using OpenMP, MPI and a hybrid of these, with the objective of optimizing the process of detection. Among the main results are that MPI with a single compute node runs faster for certain sizes of watermarks smaller than the image dimensions and the notable decrease in compute times of the hybrid version using several compute nodes when compared to the other parallel versions.
Watermarks allow one to protect multimedia elements against illegal manipulations that infringe on copyrights. Watermarks based on matrices with good auto and cross-correlation are introduced into a digital image in an invisible and safe way to be detected by its owner. Because of the cost of the detection of watermarks and the need to perform detection repeatedly, this work proposes the development of parallel implementations using OpenMP, MPI and a hybrid of these, with the objective of optimizing the process of detection. Among the main results are that MPI with a single compute node runs faster for certain sizes of watermarks smaller than the image dimensions and the notable decrease in compute times of the hybrid version using several compute nodes when compared to the other parallel versions.
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correlación cruzada, marcas de agua, paralelización