Fabrication of porous metals via selective phase dissolution of an Al-Cu alloy
Vargas-Martinez, Juan C.
Vargas-Martinez, Juan C.
Through free corrosion in sodium hydroxide, a new porous material was
successfully fabricated by removing a single phase of the aluminum-copper
alloy. This selective phase dissolution was performed for the eutectic
composition of the aluminum-copper binary system and additionally for two
hypereutectic compositions. The porosity of the material depends on the
microstructure formed in the solidification process. For this, several
solidification methods were analyzed in order to define the most convenient in
terms of uniformity and refinement in the pore and ligament sizes. The
concentration of the solution was determined by observing the effectiveness
of the process during and after the corrosion, when the 10% v/v aqueous
solution of sodium hydroxide was used better results were observed. The
porosity was calculated after the selective dissolution through analysis of
images obtained from a scanning electron microscope. In addition, the average
pore and ligament size was measured for each composition. Finally, the
effectiveness of the process was verified using x-ray diffraction, which showed
that under the proposed methodology there was complete removal of one of
the phases of the alloy.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Selective dissolution, Free corrosion