Análisis del mercado y el perfil de los consumidores de arroz en Puerto Rico
Esta tesis es un estudio exploratorio e informativo. Si la lees podrás adquirir conocimiento completo del arroz como la clasificación del arroz, tipos de arroz, marcas preferidas de arroz, empaques preferidos y la procedencia del arroz entre otros. Por medio de encuestas se llevó a cabo un estudio de mercadeo donde se pretendía evaluar los gustos y preferencias del consumidor de arroz en Puerto Rico. También se llevó a cabo un estudio econométrico donde se determinó por medio de una regresión lineal que el arroz es un bien normal y se determinó cuáles son los productos sustitutos y complementarios que afectan en la decisión de compra del arroz. Para llevar a cabo ciertas decisiones se realizó la prueba de F o ANNOVA para determinar si la regresión era una significativa y la prueba de t para determinar la significancia entre variables dependientes e independientes y sus respectivas elasticidades.
This thesis is an exploratory and informative study. If you read it, you will be able to acquire complete knowledge of rice as rice classification, rice types, rice preferred brands, preferred packaging, the origin of rice, etc. Surveys were conducted in a marketing study which aimed to assess the preferences of consumers of rice in Puerto Rico. An econometric study was also conducted which determined through a linear regression that rice is a normal good and also determined the substitutes and complementary products that affect the decision to purchase rice. To carry out certain decisions, the F test or ANNOVA was conducted to determine the significance of the regression, and the t test was performed to determine significance between dependent and independent variables and their respective elasticity.
This thesis is an exploratory and informative study. If you read it, you will be able to acquire complete knowledge of rice as rice classification, rice types, rice preferred brands, preferred packaging, the origin of rice, etc. Surveys were conducted in a marketing study which aimed to assess the preferences of consumers of rice in Puerto Rico. An econometric study was also conducted which determined through a linear regression that rice is a normal good and also determined the substitutes and complementary products that affect the decision to purchase rice. To carry out certain decisions, the F test or ANNOVA was conducted to determine the significance of the regression, and the t test was performed to determine significance between dependent and independent variables and their respective elasticity.
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Perfil, Consumidores de arroz