Evaluación del híbrido de banano FHIA-02, Musa AAAA Mona Lisa, en respuesta a nematodos fitoparasíticos en Puerto Rico
Lassalle Loperena, Elvin A.
Lassalle Loperena, Elvin A.
El guineo (Musa spp.) es originario del sureste asiático, y está distribuido en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales del mundo convirtiéndose en el fruto comestible más producido y exportado a nivel mundial. La FAO 2019 estimó una producción de 117,525, 115 toneladas métricas de guineo a nivel mundial. En Puerto Rico, el guineo ocupa la segunda posición, luego del plátano, dentro del renglón de farináceos producidos en la isla. Anualmente los productores de guineo en Puerto Rico realizan una inversión alta para el control de patógenos limitantes como la sigatoka negra, nematodos fitoparasíticos y del picudo. Esta investigación busca proveer una variedad alterna a la industria bananera, diversificar la demanda local y evitar la siembra intensiva de un guineo susceptible a todas las enfermedades y plagas. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue la evaluación del híbrido sintético FHIA-02 o Mona Lisa (AAAA) con resistencia a sigatoka negra desarrollado por la Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola (FHIA). Esta evaluación identificó los nematodos fitoparasíticos presentes en suelo y raíces, y estimó su efecto en el desarrollo y rendimiento. En adición, se determinó su índice glucémico (IG), un parámetro crítico para su consumo para personas con diabetes, facilitando un nuevo mercado para su producción. Las plantas de guineo FHIA-02 no presentaron síntomas de sigatoka negra durante su crecimiento y no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos y las poblaciones de nematodos fitoparasíticos, ni en el rendimiento del cultivo. Los nematodos fitoparasíticos identificados morfológicamente fueron Radopholus similis, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Meloidogyne spp. y Helicotylenchus spp. En el análisis de IG estimado in vitro para FHIA-02 se obtuvo 63.45 comparado con 66.66 para la variedad Grande Naine. Este trabajo provee a los productores una variedad de guineo con bajos costos de producción, y la apertura a un mercado especializado para un grupo alterno de la población.
The banana (Musa spp.) native to Southeast Asia is distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, becoming the most produced and exported edible fruit worldwide. According to the FAO 2019, a production of 117,525,115 metric tons of bananas was estimated worldwide. In Puerto Rico, the banana occupies the second position, after the plantain, within the line of farinaceous products produced on the island. Annually, banana producers in Puerto Rico make a high investment to control limiting pathogens such as black sigatoka, phytoparasitic nematodes, and weevils. This research seeks to provide an alternative variety to the banana industry, diversify local demand and avoid intensive planting of a susceptible banana. Thus, the main objective of this research was the evaluation of the synthetic hybrid FHIA-02 or Mona Lisa (AAAA) with resistance to black sigatoka developed by the Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research (FHIA). This evaluation identified the phytoparasitic nematodes present in soil and roots and estimated their effect on development and yield. In addition, was determined its glycemic index (GI), one of the most critical parameters for its consumption for people with diabetes, facilitated a new market for the production of this banana. The FHIA-02 banana plants did not present symptoms of black sigatoka during their growth and no significant differences were found between the treatments for the populations of phytoparasitic nematodes, nor in the crop yield. Among the soil and root samples, the phytoparasitic nematodes identified were Radopholus similis, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Meloidogyne spp., and Helicotylenchus spp. An in vitro estimated GI analysis for FHIA-02, 63.45 was obtained compared to 66.66 for the Grande Naine variety. This work will provide producers with a variety of bananas with minimal production costs, with fewer applications for disease management, and the opening of a specialized market for an alternative group of the population.
The banana (Musa spp.) native to Southeast Asia is distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, becoming the most produced and exported edible fruit worldwide. According to the FAO 2019, a production of 117,525,115 metric tons of bananas was estimated worldwide. In Puerto Rico, the banana occupies the second position, after the plantain, within the line of farinaceous products produced on the island. Annually, banana producers in Puerto Rico make a high investment to control limiting pathogens such as black sigatoka, phytoparasitic nematodes, and weevils. This research seeks to provide an alternative variety to the banana industry, diversify local demand and avoid intensive planting of a susceptible banana. Thus, the main objective of this research was the evaluation of the synthetic hybrid FHIA-02 or Mona Lisa (AAAA) with resistance to black sigatoka developed by the Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research (FHIA). This evaluation identified the phytoparasitic nematodes present in soil and roots and estimated their effect on development and yield. In addition, was determined its glycemic index (GI), one of the most critical parameters for its consumption for people with diabetes, facilitated a new market for the production of this banana. The FHIA-02 banana plants did not present symptoms of black sigatoka during their growth and no significant differences were found between the treatments for the populations of phytoparasitic nematodes, nor in the crop yield. Among the soil and root samples, the phytoparasitic nematodes identified were Radopholus similis, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Meloidogyne spp., and Helicotylenchus spp. An in vitro estimated GI analysis for FHIA-02, 63.45 was obtained compared to 66.66 for the Grande Naine variety. This work will provide producers with a variety of bananas with minimal production costs, with fewer applications for disease management, and the opening of a specialized market for an alternative group of the population.
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Musa Mona Lisa - Musa 'FHIA-2' - FHIA-02, Banano, Nematodos fitoparasíticos, Índice glucémico, Nematicidas