A new race of Otophryne robusta boulunger (Amphibia, salientia) from the Chimanta - Tepui of Venezuela
A new race of Otophryne robusta boulunger (Amphibia, salientia) from the Chimanta - Tepui of Venezuela
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Rivero, Juan A.
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Centro de Publicaciones Académicas, Facultad de Artes y Ciencias, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez
A race of Otophryne robusta is described from high elevations in the Chimanta-tepui of Venezuela. The race, Otophryne robusta steyermarki, can be distin guished from the typical form by lacking a vertical, triangular knob at the angle of the jaw, by its more extensively webbed toes and perhaps by its different coloration and longer hind linb.