Oral history interview with anonymous narrator, April 11, 2023

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Anonymous (Narrator)
Anonymous (Interviewer)
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Oral History Lab @UPRM
A social justice story told by an anonymous narrator. This interview is about a young student who describes two experiences that made them feel uncomfortable. Both times were in a restaurant, and both were with a person of color. The narrator discusses social justice issues related to people often making judgements based on skin color. The narrator also expresses having been the object of incorrect assumptions from others due to having unusually light skin for a Puerto Rican.

Esta entrevista trata sobre una persona joven, estudiante, quien describe dos experiencias que le provocaron incomodidad. Ambas ocurrieron en un restaurante, y ambas fueron con una persona de color. La persona narradora discute asuntos de justicia social relacionados con la tendencia de las personas a juzgar en base al color de piel. La persona narradora también expresa haber sido objeto de suposiciones incorrectas de parte de otros individuos por tener un tono de piel más claro de lo usual para una persona puertorriqueña.
Food and food insecurity,
Social justice,
Alimentos e inseguridad alimentaria,
Justicia social