El bibliotecario como facilitador de la investigación ante la realidad de los nuevos marcos conceptuales de alfabetización informacional
Las tecnologías emergentes, las nuevas formas de publicación, las exigencias de las agencias que
subsidian investigaciones y las características de los nuevos nativos digitales, son algunas de las
razones por las que el rol del bibliotecario ha evolucionado significativamente en las últimas décadas. En
las instituciones de educación superior con enfoque en la investigación, el rol (o roles) del bibliotecario
toma cada vez mayor importancia y complejidad: desde educador hasta facilitador y colaborador en la
investigación. Organizaciones profesionales han compilado informes y otros documentos que evidencian
estas tendencias y proponen alternativas sobre la dirección en la que deben dirigirse las bibliotecas, la
disciplina y la profesión misma. Se presenta como ejemplo el recién aprobado Marco para la
alfabetización informacional en la educación superior
) de la Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) en 2016. Este marco conceptual,
a diferencia de los pasados Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education
(Estándares para la alfabetización informacional en la educación superior) de ACRL, sugiere atender el
desarrollo de competencias de forma no-lineal con integración contextualizada al curso o disciplina del
estudiante y destaca, entre otras cosas, la importancia de la investigación como proceso de indagación y
descubrimiento. En instituciones de educación superior como en la Universidad de Puerto Rico - Recinto
Universitario de Mayagüez (UPRM) se han estado realizando distintos esfuerzos para integrar el
mencionado marco conceptual en sus programas de desarrollo de competencias de información y en los
servicios a los investigadores, tanto estudiantes graduados como profesores.
Emerging technologies, new publication styles, demands and requirements of research granting agencies, and the characteristics of new digital natives are some of the reasons why the role of the librarian has evolved significantly in recent decades. In higher education research institutions, the role of librarians has become increasingly vital and complex: from educator to research facilitator and collaborator. Professional organizations have compiled journal articles, research reports and other discussion papers that evidence these trends proposing alternatives to the direction in which libraries, information literacy and the profession itself should be addressed. A good example is the most recently approved ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Unlike the past Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education this Framework suggests that the development of information literacy fluency is a non-linear process. Framework highlights the importance of skill development as integrated learning activities in students’ discipline context, in addition to research as inquiry. In higher education institutions such as the University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez Campus librarians have been working in various initiatives in order to integrate the aforementioned Framework in information literacy activities and its services, especially those designed for researchers, students and professors.
Emerging technologies, new publication styles, demands and requirements of research granting agencies, and the characteristics of new digital natives are some of the reasons why the role of the librarian has evolved significantly in recent decades. In higher education research institutions, the role of librarians has become increasingly vital and complex: from educator to research facilitator and collaborator. Professional organizations have compiled journal articles, research reports and other discussion papers that evidence these trends proposing alternatives to the direction in which libraries, information literacy and the profession itself should be addressed. A good example is the most recently approved ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Unlike the past Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education this Framework suggests that the development of information literacy fluency is a non-linear process. Framework highlights the importance of skill development as integrated learning activities in students’ discipline context, in addition to research as inquiry. In higher education institutions such as the University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez Campus librarians have been working in various initiatives in order to integrate the aforementioned Framework in information literacy activities and its services, especially those designed for researchers, students and professors.
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ACRL Framework, Information literacy, Librarian, UPRM, PRM, New librarian roles, Liaisons