Theses & Dissertations

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This collection is exclusively made up of theses, dissertations, and project reports submitted as a requirement for completing a graduate degree at UPR-Mayagüez. If you are a UPRM graduate student and you are looking for information related to the deposit process, please refer to


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  • Publication
    Efectos de la disponibilidad de espacio en la salud y en la eficiencia en conversión de alimento para el aumento en peso y desarrollo esqueletal en becerros Holstein
    ( 2024-05-09) Rosario García, Grecia ; Ortiz Colón, Guillermo ; College of Agricultural Sciences ; Curbelo-Rodríguez, Jaime E. ; Jiménez-Cabán, Esbal ; Department of Animal Science ; Tirado Corbalá, Rebecca
    The objective of this research was to analyze whether providing more space to calves could improve their growth, body condition, health status, milk and feed consumption, feed conversion efficiency and FARM evaluation from birth to weaning. Holstein calves (n=13) were evaluated for 10 weeks under an accelerated growth feeding protocol in conventional 0.76m2 cages (control=CON) or large 1.95m2cages (AMP). The hypothesis of this research was that providing more space will improve body condition, health, growth and feed conversion efficiency, and better scores will be obtained in FARM evaluations in Holstein calves. An evaluation of calf health status, growth, body condition (BCS) and FARM evaluation was carried out weekly. In the investigation, no difference was found in weight (P=0.8570) or average daily gain (P=0.9173) between treatments. In conclusion, differences were only obtained in locomotion, also the study showed a saving in the cost of weight gain of $0.57 per kg when using the AMP cages.
  • Publication
    Deep merge-and-run convolutional neural network for image denoising and super-resolution
    ( 2024-05-10) Figueroa Rosado, Juan ; Arzuaga, Emmanuel ; College of Engineering ; Sierra, Heidy ; Rodríguez-Solís, Rafael A. ; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ; Florez Gomez, Edwin
    Imaging systems have become part of ordinary life due to their integration into smart devices such as phones, tablets, and computers. In the field of image processing, we face a common challenge: noisy and low-resolution images. There are limitations and inherent problems to optical and imaging systems. Some of these are caused by noise, lighting, or vibrations. Recent years have seen significant advances in deep learning and machine learning techniques have been aimed at addressing these complex problems. This thesis introduces an innovative deep learning architecture composed of convolutional blocks in a merge-and-run configuration. The model tackles two prevalent problems in image processing: image denoising and single-image super-resolution. Our focus includes the design, implementation, and evaluation of this architecture, specifically targeting the denoising of confocal microscopy images and super-resolution of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. The model achieved highly competitive results in both use cases, enhancing image clarity and resolution comparably to existing methods, but with a 45% reduction in architecture size.
  • Publication
    Diatoms as bioindicators of environmental conditions in freshwater wetlands of Puerto Rico, with emphasis on the least impaired sites
    ( 2024-05-10) Alequin Otero, Jennifer ; Santos-Flores, Carlos J. ; College of Arts and Sciences - Sciences ; Martínez Rodríguez, Gustavo A. ; Montalvo-Rodríguez, Rafael R. ; Department of Biology ; Perea Nieves, Cristina
    The main purpose of this study was to use diatom diversity and biotic indexes based on these algae as bioindicators to assess the environmental state of six wetlands in Puerto Rico that, according to a previous ARAM study, were classified as having least-impaired conditions. Four sampling stations were set in each wetland. We performed at least two sampling events per site. Diatom assemblages in these least-impacted wetlands were dominated by species of Navicula, Nitzschia, Pinnularia, Gomphonema, Tryblionella, Ulnaria, Amphora, and Diploneis. We compared our data with another set of wetlands surveyed in the same fashion but classified as impacted. A Pollution Tolerance Index (PTI) modelled in two versions and a Genus-Level Diatom Index (GDI) produced a distinction between both data sets and a water quality classification in accordance with the ARAM study for most (ten) of the wetlands.
  • Publication
    Prácticas poscosecha de hortalizas especiales y asiáticas cultivadas en Puerto Rico
    ( 2024-05-10) Hadechiny Castillo , Ximena Paola ; Pérez-Muñoz, Fernando ; College of Agricultural Sciences ; Hernández Heredia , Ermita ; Plaza Delestre, María L. ; Department of Food Science and Technology ; González Gill, Lizette
    Se evaluaron seis hortalizas para establecer las mejores prácticas postcosecha. Las hortalizas incluyeron dos especiales (i.e., tomate cherry y mini pimientos dulces) y cuatro asiáticas (i.e., bok choy, komatsuna, edamame, y cebollín). La evaluación incluyó medidas periódicas del % conservación de peso, color, textura, contenido de sólidos solubles, acidez titulable, pH, y cambios visuales en dos experimentos. El primer experimento probó tiempos de inmersión en solución de ácido peroxiacético (50 ppm) y almacenamiento a 4 ºC versus un control (sin lavado, 24 ºC). Se encontró que la refrigeración mejora considerablemente la calidad de las hortalizas independientemente del tiempo de lavado. El segundo experimento probó materiales de empaques: bolsas resellables de polipropileno, cajas de cartón corrugado, cajas de cartón corrugado con capas de papel, y empaque al vacío, versus un control (sin empaque). Se encontró que el polipropileno ayuda a mantener la calidad de las hortalizas en almacenamiento a 4 ºC. En conclusión, el lavado, empaque en polipropileno, y refrigeración mantienen mejor la calidad postcosecha de las hortalizas evaluadas.
  • Publication
    Efecto del programa preuniversitario “Agriculture Week Challenge” en la percepción, conocimiento y satisfacción de los estudiantes de escuela superior para seleccionar una carrera relacionada a las ciencias agrícolas
    ( 2024-05-04) Hernández Aquino, Bryan José ; Santiago-Andino, Edly ; College of Agricultural Sciences ; Saavedra Lugo, Janitza ; González Gill, Lizzette ; Department of Agricultural Education ; Zapata Medina, Rocío
    The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the UPR-Mayagüez has faced a decrease in newly admitted students. In the search for solutions, a hybrid pre-university program was implemented in order to promote agricultural experiences. This descriptive research measured the effect of the Agriculture Week Challenge program on the perception, knowledge and satisfaction of careers in agricultural sciences in a population of 50 high school students. The results reflected a significant positive change in perception and knowledge of the agricultural industry and professional careers in this field. The participants determined that they were “totally satisfied” with the program. 50% of those who continued university studies accepted admission to careers in agricultural sciences at the UPR-Mayagüez. In summary, the implementation of the “Agriculture Week Challenge” program is recommended as an alternative to present the diversity of professional careers and motivate them to apply for admission to the College of Agricultural Sciences.